
On this page, you can read some participants’ testimonials about what they gain from my teaching. If you have attended one or more classes yourself, you are very welcome to share your experiences in the form at the bottom of the page. Or press the button to give me a rating on Google.

9. November 2024

Yoga med Thor er en skøn oplevelse. Bowspring-stilen føles naturlig og har forbedret min kropsholdning og gjort mig mere smidig. Thor er en dygtig instruktør, som skaber en afslappet og behagelig atmosfære, hvor alle kan være med. Jeg går altid fra timen med fornyet ro og energi. Kan varmt anbefales!

9. November 2024

Jeg har gået til yoga ved Thor gennem et par år og har kun positive ord at sige – både om bowspring og om Thor som yogainstruktør.

Jeg har oplevet yoga med bowspring som meget naturlig for min krop, da den får lov til at beholde sine naturlige kurver. Yogaformen har givet mig forbedret fleksibilitet, forbedret min kropsholdning og styrket min krop som helhed.

Thor er en meget kompetent yogainstruktør. Han har stor viden om bowspring og er god til at give personlig vejledning på holdtimerne, så alle niveauer får stor gavn af yogaen. Han guider en ind i stillingerne ved hjælp af rolig vejrtrækning, hvilket giver et behageligt og naturligt flow. Thor har en meget behagelig aura, der både får en til at føle sig velkommen og i ro.

Jeg går altid fra Thors yogatimer med en på én gang styrkende og rolig fornemmelse. Jeg kan varmt anbefale yoga med bowspring ved Thor til alle, der vil forbedre både deres fysiske sundhed og mentale velvære.

5. November 2024

Thor er med sin store erfaring og smittende begejstring for yoga en gave til enhver arbejdsplads. Han formår at tilpasse undervisningen, så alle, uanset niveau og eventuelle skader, går fra timen med et stort smil.

21. June 2023

Jeg har trænet Yoga med Bowspring hos SeierFitness med Thor som instruktør i snart 2 år. Jeg elsker yogaformen som giver smidighed og styrke til kroppen uden at kroppen overbelastes. Thors instruktion er grundig og altid med et smil på læben. Dertil giver Thors sig tid til at komme med personlige anvisninger, hvis der er noget man kan gøre lidt bedre. De varmeste anbefalinger til Thors Yoga med Bowspring herfra.

Tine J.
20. April 2023

I, my body, soul and mind, have enjoyed and have had great benefit from the easy but very precis Bowspring positioning and smalll springs with Thor in Sejerfitness training centre in Aarhus C. over the winter months since 2016 ti 2023. He goes around the small class to make sure, we will not dammage ourselves. He is a rather modest person, with many years of researching the basics of a happy soul and a happy heart. He is now learning rock climbing and ballet dancing :-)) He is still young. He emphasises a “Radiant”open heart, open hand and arms holding an imaginary bathing ball for an example or swaying as seaweed on the surface of the ocean +++. Thor is so extremely joyful when he feels and sees our combined happy gratitude and efforts, despite not being perfect in actual more extreme Bowpsring positions, and even in some simple positions. I keep away from the extreme positions for the sake of my pelvis and one knee. I get a thumbs up now at 77 years, because my balance on one foot puts my aligment out of balance. A little support with my elbow on the wall, then all is great again. ME? I started yoga classes back in the 1970ties and changed over to Tai Chi in the 1990ties also with a certificate from Bejing university when staying there for 3 weeks. It was just for cutural fun and respect. I instruct simple Tai Chi and Doing, for Oldies for free in some spare time. My body must still remember what is good and what is not so good and what should be avoided by nearly all Westerns. I am grateful. Thor combines simple Hatha Yoga for us who know the the Warrior positions from Hatha. Thor and Bowspring is far beyond this. Warrior positions are still good for a warm up maybe? However Bowsprings main focus is in connecting and concentrating on all the fascia throught the whole body from little toes to the little fingers, going through the torso, neck and what else the body possesses. All fascia is connected. Fascia is the skin membrane, otherwise everything would fall out and stick to other components of our anatomy. We would be left stranded in the postion of a dead snail with all slim on the outside :-(( Fascia covers every organ, blood vessel. muscle fibre (can be up to 50 muscle fibres in one muscle; and for me the most important, the fascia protective skin around the peripheral nerve channels. If they get over streched, then you are in an extremely painful mode for weeks. I tried this one month ago. After two emtreme Yin Yoga stretches recently, I needed proffessional treatment “tutti sweet”. Younger participants of these 3 minute extreme streches could also so easily be injured and some are, thinking that it is their own fault. I needed to stop cycling, swimming, cleaning my home. My daughter came to help me out. Any other small injuries have never come from Bowspring.

Yin Yoga for me is great understanding of the lung’s capacity and elasticity during breathing. Yang in, Jin out, release. Not insane extreme stretching in positions for 3 minutes. Ask any trained physiotheapist if this is good for the bodies elasticity and well-being? I myself am a educated physio, so am biased. Just for the record and by chance, I am brought up in Hindu spirituality and have a 4 year education in Shinto healing. We all still need good positive guidance much of the time throughtout our lived lives. At my age I have become a bit more grumpy sometimes :-((

I have stared doing a little light Bowspring in my flat to improve recovery right now. It is helping so much. I know what to avoid right now.

Severe more cronic injury to the body happens when we are young and think our body should be able to do anything it is instructed to do. On the contrary. A broke bone can heal quickly and leave the bone stronger. If we don’t move around, we lose it. Gratitude to Thor and his positivity.

Doreen Joyce Dodi
5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 12 reviews)
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